
Great Mistakes in Technical Leadership

Some days ago, one of the my "past students" at the University, Carlos Ruiz, sent to me an interesting url address to the article "Great Mistakes in Technical Leadership".

It is a very, very interesting article.

Please, read it: http://www.hacknot.info/hacknot/action/showEntry?eid=87

And just only as a summary, these are the 18 mistakes:

Mistake #1: Isolating yourself from the team
Mistake #2: Employing hokey motivation techniques
Mistake #3: Not providing technical direction and context
Mistake #4: Fulfilling your own needs via the team
Mistake #5: Focusing on your individual contribution
Mistake #6: Trying to be technically omniscient
Mistake #7: Failing to delegate effectively
Mistake #8: Being ignorant of your own shortcomings
Mistake #9: Failing to represent the best interests of your team
Mistake #10: Failing to anticipate
Mistake #11: Repeat mistakes others have already made
Mistake #12: Using the project to pursue your own technical interests
Mistake #13: Not maintaining technical involvement
Mistake #14: Playing the game rather than focusing on the target
Mistake #15: Avoiding conflict
Mistake #16: Putting the project before the people
Mistake #17: Expecting everyone to think and act like you
Mistake #18: Failing to demonstrate compassion

Enjoy it!

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